Sunday, October 4, 2015

How was your weekend running?

Intended to do my first run after Penang Ultra 2015 but have to cancel it due to haze. Malaysia suffer from haze every year due to burning in Indonesia. This time haze stay for a much longer duration than last year. Today the SCKLM 2015 have to be cancel due to the unhealthy API reading (>100).

Anyway, i spent most of the time reading about running, planning for the strength training, looking for strength training equipment, etc. Strength and stability is my biggest weakness as i have nearly zero cross training. I also spent some of the time to learn how to do foam rolling.

Recently i have create challenge to do push up everyday, with increment of one push up per day. Frankly speaking the most repetitive i done was 30 times, and it was 18 years ago!! So good luck to me!

Hopefully next week i can blog about some mileage. Before saying good night, i will leave you an interesting video.

Good Night!

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